Educational and cultural functions of sacraments in palestra

Document Type : Research Paper


assistant professor, Research institute for culture, art and communication,


This paper points to custom-like attitudes towards society and culture ,  as well as the concept of plestra sacrament and its fifteen attributes. Moreover, a basic is presented for discussing different palestra sacraments.  Besides , through introducing palestra and its background , some cultural and educational functions of palestra sacraments as a meta- sport place are explained.
The research questions of the study are as follows: what are the sacrament and cultural functions of palestra ? what  are the roles of palestras in training, reinforcement and development of cultural communities in Iran? Does the different parts of palestra represent any inclination to divine affairs, prayer, recitals in order to educate the participants? What are the role of uniforms, aesthetic elements of sacraments, music, and rhythmic movements in training?
The approach in  surveying the sacraments of palestra was descriptive and demographic in analyzing the effectiveness of palestra sacraments in training of the participants. In the end, the findings revealed that practicing palstra sacraments has given a role more than just a sport place but a place with effective cultural and training functions.
