A Critique of the Reasons Presented by Opponents of the Necessity of Religious Education in the Formal System of Education

Document Type : Research Paper



The desirability and necessity of religious education cannot be denied according to the Islamic texts, whether in general or in the formal system of education. Nevertheless, there are doubts and oppositions regarding the necessity of religious education in the formal system of education by some western thinkers. This article aims at investigating and criticizing these reasons and proving the desirability and necessity of religious education in the formal system of education through a descriptive, analytical and critical method. Senselessness and irrationality of religious teachings as well as suggestive nature of religious education are among the most important general reasons for opposition to necessity of religious education, and the suggestive nature of the concept of Islamic education is the specific reason for opposition to necessity of religious-Islamic education. In this article, these reasons are reviewed and investigated. Finally, the desirability and necessity of religious education are proved using separate reasons.


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