Modesty from the Viewpoint of the Quran and Hadiths and its Status in Education

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Education, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Graduated from Payame Noor University with a master's degree in history and philosophy of education, Tehran, Iran


Modesty is the basis of most completely moral system and is based on preserving human dignity. In the modesty-centered moral system, understanding the presence of God leads to self-control on tendency to good thought, good emotions and behaviors and avoiding bad thought, emotions and behaviors due to the feeling of dignity and worth and greatness based on modesty cause one to turn away from guilt and lay the groundwork for nearness to God. In this research, done through descriptive method of documentary analytical type, while studying the Quran and the hadith principles of modesty, the position of modesty in the field of goals, principles and methods of education are discussed. The study of verses and hadiths showed that modesty is one of the basic pillars of self-control that is motivated neither by fear nor greed, but by self-respect. Also, the position of modesty in the field of educational goals is in four areas of belief, morality, worldly affairs and hereafter. These include nearness to God, growth of moral virtues, self-control and hope. The position of modesty in the field of principles of education includes the principle of thinking, the principle of dignity, the principle of moderation and the principle of asceticism, and the position of modesty in the field of educational methods includes methods patterning, the method of love and the method of reminding.


قرآن کریم
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