Explaining the Cycle of Outside and Inside in Education Based on Shahid Motahhari’s Thought

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in the Philosophy of Education, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran,

2 Corresponding Author: Assistant Professor, Department of Culture and Education, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran,


The process of human evolution and the course of the flourishment of his talents is a movement that, on the one hand, is towards the inside and the truth of existence, and on the other hand, reveals the acquired truths in the outside of the universe. This study aims at explaining the cycle of outside and inside in education based on Shahid Motahari’s thought. For this purpose, all Shahid Motahhari’s works were analyzed using a descriptive-analytical method without sampling. The findings indicate that, in Shahid Motahari’s thought, there are following relationships between inside and outside: ‘inside; truth of outside’, ‘outside; a symbol of inside’ and ‘outside; a means of inside’. He considers the education process to be a cycle between the practical manifestations of the learner and his inside, and on the other hand, he regards the right education as a movement towards inside and from the shell to the core. Therefore, the educators’ task in this view is to be fully familiar with this cycle and make a decision to improve the learners according to it, for there is no other way to reach the learners’ inside except for the manifestations of his inside in practice. Furthermore, to stabilize and strengthen the learner’s dispositions, the educator can use this cycle by repeating the correct outward action and receiving its feedback.


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