Philosophical Explanation of Teacher’s Ethics from the Point of View of Western Educational Philosophers and Muslim Educators and Thinkers in Order to Present a Charter and Validate it

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Shahid University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of the Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences, Shahid University

3 PhD in department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


The present study was conducted with the aim of philosophical explanation of teacher’s ethics from the point of view of Western educational philosophers and Muslim educators and thinkers in order to provide a charter and validate it. Descriptive analytical method and focus group method were used to answer the research questions. The results of the surveys showed that the teacher's code of ethics confirmed by philosophers and educators can be designed in three axes of areas, components and indicators. The areas include physical and appearance, doctrinal and moral, scientific, social and political, economic and professional. The components of the first field include "beauty in appearance, beauty of clothing, physical strength and ability, verbal and behavioral ability". The components of the second field include "Godliness, belief and practice of spiritual values, humility, harmony of actions and speech, fairness and magnanimity, equality, friendship and tolerance, love and affection, humanization". The components of the third field include "general knowledge, specialized knowledge, competence in teaching, recognition of individual differences, awareness of growth stages, guidance and correction". The components of the fourth field include "responsibility, social awareness, transfer of cultural heritage, cultural interaction, criticism". And the components of the fifth field include "financial sufficiency and simple living". One hundred and four sub-components were also identified and introduced. The experts in each subject matter confirmed the internal validity of the designed charter and its three cores.


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