An investigation of the concept of knowing God in the poem books for kids and adolescents: the case of center for publication of Kanoone Parvareshe Fekri Koodakan ve Nojavanan between 1376-1387

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this research study is the investigation of the ways of knowing God in the poem books. In doing so, a collection of 15 poem books on God were selected; the methodology used is the qualitative deductive content analysis in which the unit of analysis is the poem. The analysis was based on the ways of knowing God, namely, the emanation of God in all the creatures and aesthetic argumentation, genetic guidance, reference of all the creatures to God, and praise of all the creatures. Another aspect of the investigation is the adaptation of the poems with the cognitive development proposed by Piaget. The findings demonstrated that there are four ways for knowing God as far as the children are addressed; most of the concepts are specific for group B and C but some of these concepts are more simply presented in group A . in some of these poems the concepts are higher than the cognitive development of the children and in some cases lower. Also, the more the age of the child the more abstract the poem so that it can challenge the child’s thinking
