Superiority of affirmative aspect of education over negative aspect, , and continuous attacks of propogational and cultural plans and programs at schools and cultural centers which are presented without considering the principle of edification (preparation and motivating) is a as a serious challenge in education; this, in its own turn, causes incongruence and sometimes contradiction between the inputs and outputs. This paper is an attempt to compare the negative aspect of education conceptualized through Quranic edification with affirmative aspect, form theoretical, approach and methodological side in order to refer back to the Quranic and mystic –induced pattern. Two basic interpretations in the edification as negative education approach are monotheistic slogan, "there is no God but Allah" and the next slogan" from Allah we come and to him we refer" in the first of which negation of what deviates us from our disposition and in the second of which referring and elevating restitution to existent thematics and attempt to actualize them