Implementing the curriculum based on individual differences in the course of "Religion and Life" in the Iranian education system; Challenges and solutions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of education, faculty of Education and psychology, ferdowsi university of mashhad, Iran

2 Department of education, faculty of education and psychology,Ferdowsi university of Mashhad. Iran.

3 Department of education, Faculty of Education and Psychology. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

4 Sydney School of Education and Social Work, ,Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences , The University of Sydney,Sydney,Australia.


Individual differences are very important in education.The present study aimed to identify the challenges and barriers to the implementation of the curriculum based on individual differences in the area of Religion and Life in the education system .Using the phenomenological method and purposeful criterion-based sampling,the views of twenty-three experts in the field of religious education have been examined using semi-structured interview tools. The results indicate that the implementation of this approach faces challenges before and during the implementation of the religion and life curriculum.Challenges before implementation are weaknesses in the educational system and curricula of Farhangian University, weakness of the teacher training system in hiring and training professionally qualified teachers,entrance exam for university a factor for standardization, inflexibility of goals and lack of teacher independence adaptation of goals to individual differences of learners,The dominance of a disciplinary approach in curriculum design,central focus and uniformity in content preparation and lack of attention to ecological components,incompatibility of content with different needs of students, and challenges during implementation are also limitations in the use of resources and various educational learning materials, poor knowledge and practice of teachers in teaching methods of religion and life curriculum,Lack of attractiveness and motivation of the environment for learning,Lack of sufficient time for teachers,large number of students in a classroom,Lack of adequate use of learning opportunities outside the school, poor communication between families and school,limited technological and up-to-date educational facilities,Dominance of cognitive-centered evaluation method and lack of teachers' freedom in evaluation.Appropriate solutions are provided to solve the challenges


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