Elucidation of Imam Sadegh (AS) educational tradition in order to present an appropriate model for Islamic lifestyle

Document Type : Research Paper


1 academic staff, Kharazmi University

2 PhD student of philosophy of education, Kharazmi University


The main aim of this research is to elucidate the tradition of Imam Sadegh in order to present appropriate lifestyle since one of the requirements of the actualization of religious society is the formation of Islamic lifestyle through presentation and propagation of reasonable lifestyles based on Islamic teaching. Lifestyle represents the holistic orientation of values, norms, tendency, and the behavioral manifestation of the society. The methodology used in the research is qualitative content analysis; the findings reveal that Imam Sadeg has paid attention to all aspects of education (belief, worship, moral, social, political, biological, physical, economic, professional, aesthetic, artistic, scientific and technological side). Such comprehensive consideration can be used a good model. therefore, words and actions can be a good model in formation of public lifestyle. In accordance with the suggestion of Kaviani and his resort to Adler's prescriptive perspective on Islamic lifestyle as well as in accordance with the pivot of tree stem of lifestyle, the Imam's views such as attitude toward life, self, and others can be sued in the formation of  the lifestyle of the candidates.


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