Presenting a Conceptual Model of the Culture of Kindergarten Care: A Case Study of Hasanat Mother-Child Kindergarten

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Corresponding Author: Associate Professor, Culture and Communication Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Communication, Baqir al-Olum University, Qom, Iran,

2 MA in Propagation and Cultural Communications, Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Communication, Baqir al-Olum University,

3 Ph.D. student, Department of Curriculum Planning, Faculty of Educational sciences and psychology , Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


Kindergartens play an obvious role in the socialization and development of children. In Iran, most of these educational centers are designed based on the Western model of separation of mother and child, and they are not compatible with the authentic Iranian, Islamic culture. Hasanat Kindergarten was started to realize the mother-child companionship and interaction in Islamic education. This study aims at providing the ideal model through the examination of various aspects of the activities of Hasanat Kindergarten. It was conducted through a qualitative approach and a thematic analysis method, and it, in terms of purpose, is practical. The statistical population consisted of two groups: mothers and Hasanat kindergarten staff. The sample was selected by purposive sampling method. The research tool was a semi-structured interview based on the 5w1h model, and the content validity of the interview questions was evaluated positively from the related professors’ viewpoint. The interviews were conducted until the data saturation was achieved in 11 interviews. The data were analyzed using the Strauss and Corbin’s method through open and axial coding and the Maxqda software. The findings show that, to maintain the original and healthy relationship between mother and child, the activity of this kindergarten is in accordance with the mother-centered Fatemi education. Furthermore, in Hasanat Kindergarten, the quality of education is emphasized and child-centeredness is considered in interior design. The result of the study indicates that the activities of Hasanat Kindergarten, based on creativity, the threefold compilation of participatory content for the child, mother, mother-child; it is realized through games and fondness for books, and mother-centered learning in education and dynamic and effective evaluation.


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