Theoretical Framework of Exhortation and Protection in Allah-Centered Spiritual Parenting Based on Islamic Sources

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Psychology, Research Institute of Hawzah and University, Qom, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Psychology, Research Institute of Hawzah and University, Qom, Iran.


Introduction and Objectives: Research highlights the pivotal role of parent-child relationships in fostering healthy child development, particularly during preschool years. Ineffective parenting practices can damage these relationships and lead to behavioral and emotional problems in children. As complex entities, humans require proper guidance for effective interactions with their children. In the approach of Allah-centered spiritual parenting, intellect serves as the primary tool for parental decision-making, enabling the activation of spiritual dimensions. Given the family’s critical role in shaping children’s personalities, a lack of parental knowledge in child-rearing and reliance on improper methods can derail children from the path of growth and transcendence. Ignorance is a root cause of many challenges, including parenting-related ones. Human behavior is fundamentally shaped by awareness of realities, and one of the most critical realities for parents to comprehend is the nature of the world and the purpose of life. Islamic texts, especially the Qur'an and Hadiths, offer valuable insights for enhancing parental awareness, thus improving parent-child relationships. This study presents a model of Allah-centered spiritual parenting derived from Islamic teachings. The central research questions are: What cognitive and behavioral patterns does the "Exhortation and Protection" model define for parents and children in God-centered spiritual parenting? What are the components of this model, and how are they interrelated? The findings can serve as a foundation for designing educational programs that help parents use religious teachings to improve relationships with their children and support their spiritual growth.
Method: This study employs classical documentary analysis to derive the "Exhortation and Protection" model for spiritual parenting from Islamic sources, particularly Hadiths. The research process involves two primary stages: (1) Compilation and Content Analysis of Hadiths: Relevant traditions were collected, and their psychological dimensions and functions were analyzed using content analysis methods. This phase facilitated identifying the components and roles of each text within the broader framework. (2) Theoretical Modeling: Relationships among the extracted insights from the Hadiths were identified and integrated into a comprehensive model. Texts were analyzed separately for parental and child behaviors, and these sub-models were subsequently combined into an overarching model of "Exhortation and Protection."
A total of over 100 Hadiths and Qur'anic verses were analyzed, and 22 narrations were selected for modeling. The analysis identified two main components: (1) Exhortation (Mawʿiẓah): Parents' role in educating and enlightening their children about the realities of the world and, more importantly, the ultimate purpose of life. (2) Protection (Ṣiyānah): The children’s role in accepting these realities and committing to religious values.
Findings: This study was conducted to extract the "Exhortation and Protection" model of spiritual parenting from Islamic sources, particularly Hadiths. Based on these sources, parents must educate their children about the nature of the world, its opportunities, and its challenges (Exhortation). Children are expected to accept these realities (Protection) and strive toward spiritual perfection while fulfilling their commitments. The cognitive model for parents includes the following elements:

Worldview: Parents should convey that the world is a transient and deceptive opportunity for spiritual growth.
Deconstruction of Worldly Attachments: Parents should guide children toward prioritizing spiritual values over material attachments.

The cognitive-behavioral model for Children includes the following elements:

Acceptance: Children should recognize and learn from the realities of life.
Commitment: Children should adhere to spiritual values and strive for perfection.
Adaptability: The ultimate goal of this model is fostering adaptability in children. Adaptability entails maintaining balance and composure amidst life’s joys and adversities, enabling children to make informed and resilient decisions.

The "Exhortation and Protection" model is a comprehensive framework for spiritual parenting based on Islamic teachings. This model assists parents in preparing their children for life in both this world and the hereafter. Adaptability, as the ultimate goal of this model, helps children achieve a successful life. This research can serve as a valuable resource for parents, educators, and researchers in the field of religious upbringing of children. Additionally, it has the potential to enrich the scientific literature in the domain of Islamic psychology.
Discussion and Conclusion: This research focuses on the role of the "Exhortation and Protection" model in parenting, emphasizing the significance of engaging the heart and emotions in child-rearing. The model posits that effective exhortation softens the child’s heart, fostering receptivity to religious teachings. The heart, seen as the center of emotions, cognition, and spirituality, is crucial for a child’s spiritual development. Exhortation is presented as a tool for fostering emotional and cognitive connections with the child and is recognized as an effective method for imparting values and concepts. Adaptability is the ultimate aim of this model, which entails enabling the child to harmonize with life’s realities and make sound decisions under diverse circumstances. The components of this model include: (1) Exhortation (Mawʿiẓah): Parents use exhortation to convey religious and worldly insights to their children, enhancing understanding. (2) Prudence (Ḥazm): Exhortation cultivates foresight and discernment in children, enabling better decision-making. (3) Insight (Baṣīrah): Exhortation enhances internal awareness and guides children toward truth. (3) Reminder (Tadhkir): Exhortation includes reminders to help children avoid errors and pursue perfection.
Based on the above discussion, the psychological model of "Exhortation and Protection" is illustrated in the following diagram.
Fugire 1: Diagram of the "Exhortation and Protection" Model for Allah-Centered Spiritual Parenting
The processing stages of the model are as follows: Parents use exhortation to convey religious information and concepts to their children. The child processes this information, aligning it with his intellect and emotions. Based on the processed information, the child makes his decisions.
Figure 2: Diagram of the Processing Pathway for the Exhortation-Protection Model


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