The Educational Strategy of the Quran

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy of Education, Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute, Qom, Iran


Education is a dominant aspect of human personality formation. The efforts of educators, particularly parents, aim to fulfill this fundamental truth. The upbringing of children, which represents the lifelong investment of parents, can, as Imam Sadiq (PBUH) states, serve as a valuable asset in this world and a precious reserve for the hereafter (Kulaini, 1407, vol. 8, p. 150). This is achievable only through proper planning and a correct approach. All educational schools of thought, including Islamic education, focus on this issue, making significant efforts in both theoretical and practical domains of education. Key actions include accurately explaining foundational principles, establishing proper frameworks, setting appropriate goals, defining principles and rules governing the educational process, and adopting correct methods and techniques. However, most importantly, educators continually strive to develop a comprehensive and long-term strategy to guide theoretical and practical activities toward achieving the ultimate goal of education. This strategy prevents deviation, minimizes resource wastage, and reduces costs. Such a program is referred to as an "educational strategy."
This raises the question: What strategy has been proposed and implemented in the Islamic educational system in general and the Quran specifically for this purpose? This study aims to uncover the educational strategy emphasized in the Islamic educational system, particularly in the Quran.
Using thematic interpretation methods, the research employs an exploratory study of religious texts, especially the Quranic verses. To enhance understanding, the study also utilizes the Ahl al-Bayt traditions and esteemed Quranic commentators' insights. Specific actions include examining Quranic verses, interpreting their lexicons using general and Quranic lexicons, consulting exegetical opinions, and considering the cultural context of the Quranic verses. Descriptive and exploratory studies of religious texts, thematic interpretation, and data analysis form the methodological framework for uncovering the Quran's educational strategy in this study.
The findings reveal that the educational strategy of the Quran focuses on fostering and strengthening love for Allah on the one hand and instilling awe and fear of His wrath and displeasure on the other. This dual approach is achieved through cultivating deep and accurate knowledge of Allah and the noble religious values. Undoubtedly, the Quran's process of increasing knowledge in learners is accompanied by creating the right motivation within them. The outcome of this educational process is the development of individuals who love Allah while fearing His displeasure. Such individuals, known as believers and pious individuals in Quranic culture, remain steadfast on the right path and are protected from deviation.
This educational strategy, derived from the holy Quran, provides a reliable roadmap for educational policy-making, helps identify appropriate educational methods, and addresses some educational challenges contemporary societies face.


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