Rereading Mathnavi Stories Based on “Lipman's view about the Components of Philosophical Thinking and Compilation of a Guide to Be Used in Community of Inquiry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Educational Sciences/ Isfahan University (Author in chief)

2 Associate Professor in Isfahan University

3 Associate Professor Department Of Education Faculty of Education and Psychology University of Isfahan


The present research aims at studying the contents of Mathnavi stories based on Lipman's view about the components of philosophical thinking. To achieve this goal, the researchers have tried to extract and organize the components of philosophical thinking from Lipman’s works using the inductive content analysis method.
After studying Lipman’s works, the dimensions of philosophical thinking were divided into three categories of critical, creative and caring thinking. In the second part, using the deductive method of content analysis and based on the theoretical framework provided in the first part, the components of philosophical thinking were identified and analyzed in two stories of Mathnavi.
The Findings show that both stories, because of containing components in various aspects of philosophical thinking, can well develop this kind of thinking. After analyzing the stories, In order to be used in community of inquiry, was an educational guide was developed for each in two parts of discussion and practical activity, wherein questions and exercises related to the content of the stories and their components are suggested.


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