Exploring the Methods of Religious teaching Based on of the School Teachers’ and Religious and Teaching Experts’ the Lived Experiences

Document Type : Research Paper


1 A Ph.D. Student in Curriculum, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Corresponding Author, A Professor in the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 A Professor in the Department of Educational Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


This study seeks to explore the methods of the religious teaching based on school teachers’ and religious and teaching experts’ the lived experiences on the religious teaching methods at senior elementary schools. For this purpose, a semi-structured interview with the teachers and experts was used and data coding and categorization were used to analyze the data. The Teachers and experts emphasized the use of methods in religious teaching to create students the necessary grounds for thinking, arguing and judging. The methods of religious teaching not only should take advantage of the concepts of religion in combination with other sciences, but also should provide students with the opportunity to discuss, debate, experience religion, and practice religious concepts. Furthermore, the most widely used methods used by teachers in religious teaching include storytelling, integration with different courses, project or unit of work, role-playing, discussion, and question and answer, opportunity for experience, performance judgment, and allegory and simile.


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