Identifying the Elements and Components of the Curriculum of the Books Din va Zendegi (Religion and Life) Based on a Transpersonal View: A Qualitative Study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Azad University Roudehen Branch: Tehran, Tehran, IR, IR

2 , Islamic Azad University, Roodehen Branch

3 Faculty of Educational Sciences, Consulting and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen Branch


This study aims to identify the elements and components of the curriculum of the books Din va Zendegi (Religion and Life) in senior high schools based on a transpersonal view. The method of this study was developmental-applicative in terms of purpose, and in terms of the type of method, content analysis was based on three-stage coding (open, axial , and selective). The field of study included all the experts and teachers in curriculum planning, educational sciences, and educational management, and through the purposive sampling method, the teachers with the desired qualifications were interviewed in a semi-structured way until arriving at the theoretical saturation of the findings, the number of study samples reached 12 teachers. To analyze the data obtained from the interviews, three-step coding methods were used. According to the findings, 18 categories and 5 elements were identified from the coding of the interviews: the objective element with 5 categories, the evaluation element with 4 categories, the elements of learners’ characteristics, and content and method with 3 categories, which were identified as the elements and contents  for the books Din va Zendegi (Religion and Life) in senior high schools based on a transpersonal view. The identified elements and components can be used in designing a model based on a transpersonal view in the curriculum of the books Din va Zendegi.


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