Textbooks focus on sacrifice and martyrdom: the case of general education period

Document Type : Research Paper



The main of this research is to shed light on the extent the textbooks in general
education focus on the concepts of sacrifice and martyrdom. The methodology used
in this study is descriptive and content analysis in an applied approach. The sample
consisted of four titles with 24 volumes published in the solar year 1378. The
instrument used in the study was a checklist developed by the researcher and the
results were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that firstly,
1230 times the parameters of martyrdom and sacrifice were mentioned. The number
of repetition in Farsi books, heavenly gifts, social teachings, and history were 626,
230, 287, and 87, respectively. Secondly, the most focus on the concept of sacrifice
is seen in the second year of guidance school, and the least attention is in the second
year of elementary school, the history book of the first and second
year of guidance school
